Climate Crisis has a Heavy Impact on Mental Well-Being of Generation Z! ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒช๏ธ 

Extensive research commissioned by Young Social Innovators (YSI) highlights the heavy impact of climate change on the mental well-being of Generation Z. We spoke to over 1100 Irish young people and found that climate change is the biggest worry for the future.

YSI Key Research Findings: 

Read Report

Despite their bleak climate outlook, the research revealed some positivity amongst the cohort, with 14% believing we will have cleaned up our oceans within 20 years. 20% think we will have eradicated plastics, and 18% believe the decline of our species will have halted.

John Sweeney, Emeritus Professor of Irish Climate Analysis and Research Units at Maynooth University

High Anxiety and Depression 

The study revealed extremely high levels of anxiety and depression within the Gen Z cohort (68% of respondents), and the concern over climate change significantly contributes to this stark situation.
Most of the young people interviewed (88%) are not confident that we are doing enough today to tackle climate change, and nearly nine in 10 (87%) believe the government is not doing enough. Similarly, over four in five Gen Z respondents think companies are failing to play their part in addressing the issues, and 45% don't believe citizens are doing enough. 

Gen Z Research 

The goal of YSI Gen Z research is to understand the key issues that Ireland's young people face today. At YSI, we focus on empowering Ireland's young people to reimagine the World and their communities. We believe that young people working together and collaborating can create innovative ideas to achieve a fairer, more equal, and sustainable world. 

Each year, 15,000 young people across Ireland are supported to develop and submit hundreds of socially conscious projects to YSI. These projects provide platforms and opportunities for young people to have their voices heard, receive funding to advance ideas to the next level and win prestigious awards to recognise their endeavours.

Gen Z is getting ready to VOTE in 2025 ๐Ÿ“

Many young people participating in this research will be eligible to vote in the next Irish general election in 2025. Our research shows that almost four in five young people want a more significant say in politics and planning. 33% of these would consider becoming politically active. The message is clear โ€“ Gen Z will not stand idly by in the face of this climate crisis. 

A quick look at the stats  ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“Š

While Gen Z worries about the climate crisis, some life adjustments are not appealing. For example, 32% do not want to limit their overseas travel over the next 20 years, while 28% wouldn't consider eating less meat.

Gen Z is ready for action

At YSI, we have worked closely with Ireland's young people for the past 21 years. Gen Z's participation in YSI projects shows us how resilient, determined, and action-oriented they are. From this research, we believe that Gen Z is not a generation that will sit by and watch the world implode. It is encouraging to see all the critical initiatives they commit to improving their future outlook and that of our country and the world. 

Go, Gen Z! We are with you! โค๏ธ