YSI Blog

Welcome the first TY’s at Young Social Innovators!
My name is Nikola Laskiewicz and I am a TY student at Larkin Community College. I was offered to participate in the Young Social Innovators work experience program November 18-22 (2024).
What was the highlight of your TY work experience?
The highlight of my work experience was on day 2 when we learned how to use a 3d printer. We used an app called Tinker cad where we could design our own key chains, I found it interesting and fun to do.
What did you do during the week?
During the week, we did various workshops and activities. On Monday we were working from home on zoom, we met the YSI’s head of Education, we went through an E – Learning Module. On Tuesday we got a tour of the building then we had our first workshop about 3D printing with Naomi, we met the communications manager Sara through zoom. She gave us a task to record our own reel for their Instagram which we recorded on their cameras. On Wednesday we planned out the content we will record for the reel, on our break we went on a walk to the botanic gardens, where we got really nice pictures for our reel, later we met the CEO Roger through zoom and done a Q and A, we got an introduction to the youth panel with a local leader Angela. On Thursday we recorded our reel, we had a Design Jam workshop with Joy about solutions to climate change, we met the rest of the YSI team
and had a lovely cake. On Friday we were working from home, we attended The Wheels' Event Big Issues in the non-profit sector, we started to write our own blog of our time in YSI. After lunch we created our own YSI timetables.
I enjoyed doing work experience with Young Social Innovators, I liked meeting new people and finding solutions to problems people face every day. It has opened my mindset about what I would like to do in the future and I would definitely recommend joining the YSI team.