Matthew, 16, Dublin
As a teenager, Matthew from Dublin noticed that there seemed to be lots of activities available for smaller children to occupy themselves during lockdown, such as colouring books and toys, but that suitable activities for teenagers seemed less readily available.
He worried that boredom was setting in and teenagers were finding it difficult to keep themselves busy.

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His idea for the #YSIOpenCall to Teenagers is the creation of an online resource hub, full of activity ideas for teenagers where they can get inspiration and then complete the activities or challenges, either by themselves or with people in their household. Tracking their activities on the platform would help to give them focus and also allow them look back at what they have achieved afterward.
When restrictions are lifted, Matthew would like people to be able to look back on their time at home, knowing they spent it productively and learning new things.
The platform would of course be suitable for people of any age to use, but Matthew was particularly interested in giving teenagers something to do, as he himself understood what it was like right now with little to do.
Once the holidays begin and school is out for the summer, but we are still restricted as to where we can go, Matthew thinks the resource hub will be most helpful to teenagers.
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